Lowering Springs VS Coilovers - FIGHT!

Lowering Springs VS Coilovers - FIGHT!

Boy oh boy, do we get this question a lot, and if you're wondering, it is 100% one of the most important questions when setting off on your car customizing journey. Choosing the wrong suspension for the type of driving you plan on doing can lead to discomfort or worse. In that vain, we're going to break it all down to you right here, so you never make that mistake.

Let's Begin with Suspension 

Before we jump in to this face off, let's talk a bit about suspension in general. Why would you want to explore upgrading your stock suspension anyways? Well, the main reasons include aesthetics, function and comfort. 

When we say aesthetics, generally, this is due to the more aggressive stance you achieve when lowering your car. Pair this up with a new set of wheels, and you'll achieve that flush, low wheel gap look you've drooled over hundreds of times when scrolling through instagram. 

Function is more about the dynamics of your car. Just because you're only daily driving, doesn't mean there aren't some serious benefits to be had! Not only will you notice a marked improvement in cornering and performance but you'll also find that you have far more control of your car. A great excuse to use with any wife or girlfriend who's giving you flack about spending your budget on car parts. "But babe, its for YOUR safety!"

On the flip side, if you regularly take your car to the track (or are the occasional weekend warrior) you have to consider function in another manner. Similar to what's written above with the notable difference of it needing to work under the highest intensity driving there is, which takes place on the track. For both safety and that competitive edge, you need your suspension to perform in peak conditions for every second of every race. 

Finally, that brings us to comfort. While it is no surprise that most aftermarket suspension will actually be LESS comfortable than your original components, its important to note that comfort is in the eye (or butt?) of the beholder. You may be trading softness for a more rigid setup, but when you are adding power to your vehicle this can actually be far more comfortable because the car will react how you need it to and be less jarring on acceleration. Power delivery will be smoother to the wheels, and you can rest assured with the comfort of knowing your car can really perform if you want or need it to.

Lowering Springs

Alright, now that we're caught up, let's look at lowering springs. Why would you choose these over coilovers? If you're looking for some noticeable improvements in cornering as well as an aesthetics boost without breaking the bank, we recommend lowering springs.

These are VERY affordable and give you the more race oriented feel. The differences? Springs are generally not adjustable (although those do exist in some newer applications) most springs will lower your car a preset amount and will remain static as long as they're on. Driving feel will generally be smoother than coilovers on the road and will require little to no maintenance throughout their life. Tons of springs out there will only run you a few hundred bucks and can last years and years! 

So, looking for a simple upgrade that don't cause you much trouble in daily driving or maintenance? Springs are what you want.

Top Choices For Spring Selection:


Born initially for the race track, many brands have set out in recent years to adapt this more extreme type of suspension for both road and track. In fact, Ohlins literally has a series call Road & Track! Coilovers are highly adjustable which means you can not only control the height you set for your car but you can also control dampening and other important characteristics which allow you to tune you suspension to suit exactly what you're using your car for. That being said, unlike springs, coilovers require occasional maintenance. You can tweak them to make sure they perform optimally for your driving style and however you might be using them. 

Top Choices For Coilover Selection:

So, what's right for you? Still not sure? That's what we're here for! 

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